Friday, June 21, 2019

Alfonso Vargas Puerta: A Pictorial Proposal

Compás de Agua  
37” x 47”  - Mixed Media

By Juan Coello

From the primitive tribe, over there in the mists of time, humanity has guided its daily life in the vast universe that it implies -by certain schemes endorsed either by experience- common in day-to-day things- or by the ascendancy of those who postulate them, derived from their political, economic or social position. The transgression and substitution of these paradigms has marked the advance of civilization in all its fronts, and this process, slow in the past, has been happening in an accelerated way since the last century and a half.

53” x 93” - Mixed Media

Art, whose essence is creativity and with it the permanent search for new fields and means of expression, could not be alien to this permanent renewal of the canons that have guided its exercise throughout history.

Diptico En un principio... 
47” x 79” - Mixed Media

In this order of ideas, Alfonso Puerta’s Andean Chromatic Abstraction -as he rightly nominates his current pictorial work-, which arises from his atavistic Inca heritage, is reflected in his sensitive experience in a pictorial setting charged with magic and sacred mythology, that constitutes a true subversion of the paradigmatic lineaments of Abstract Expressionism.

63” x 70 1/2” - Mixed Media

The artist scientist Alfonso Puerta affirms that his pictorial work is based on the following postulate, Andean correlate of the Cartesian apothegm: Kai Human (I think) Kai Soncqo (I feel) Kai Maqui (I do, I transform) ... THEN I EXIST.

Aves Eternas  
37” x 47 1/2”  - Mixed Media

Faithful to this guideline, the hamuta (maestro) Alfonso Puerta tells us that the Andean Chromatic Abstraction comes to life at the incantation of its creator and expresses itself aesthetically in exuberantly colorful landscapes that have survived from time immemorial in the collective unconscious of his race on a scale of ultra sensitive experience. The Andean genome transmits this Andean ancestral worldview to the influence of certain vegetable substances that expand the consciousness.

Serie Flores Eternas 
20” x 21 1/2” - Mixed Media

The Andean Chromatic Abstraction of Alfonso Vargas Puerta emerges from this particular way of experiencing the chromatic fields and is concretely mastered in a harmonious set of nature in hatching, profusion of color and human language.

Bodegón con Sandía 
31 1/2” x 37 1/2” - Mixed Media

It is an energetic painting that connotes and denotes encrypted knowledge. His mythical figures, indelineated, hidden, fragmented, embodied in vigorous strokes, conspire to show us the future and the past, and in them the subtle spirits can intuit the signs that Pachacuti presage (diametrical changes of existing paradigms) and detect the threads conductors of an aesthetic that is the construction and deconstruction of the Logos.

Serie Flores Eternas 
26” x 31 1/2” - Mixed Media

 The materialization of the myths designed to trap time in fields laden with magic and knowledge that will produce a deja vu will leave a subtle but indelible mark on our memories.

You are invited...

908 Columbus Ave. • New York 

For info please call
Julian Espinal

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